Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis | IBS | Crohn’s Disease | Psoriasis | Grave’s | Ulcerative Colitis | Rheumatoid arthritis | Addison’s | Celiac | the list goes on. There are over 100 different autoimmune conditions that impact the body’s ability to function. Here is a more comprehensive list.

Brian fog, Fatigue, Bloating, Hair loss, Malaise, Memory Loss, Weight?

All very common autoimmune symptoms, which can be reduced and managed with nutritional and lifestyle changes.
The Autoimmune Nutritionist, Sheryl Cook, helps you create a personalised toolbox of strategies that work for your body and lifestyle, so you can get your life back and be the best version of yourself again.
If you want recommendations to get started on in your very first session Book here.

Create your own balanced Green Smoothie

Learn how to create smoothies that nourish your body, taste good and keep your blood sugar in check.

These smoothies are AIP elimination phase compliant.

Just register for The Autoimmune Nutritionists (Free) Community Platform. Head to the “Nutrition & Hydration” section to download ebook.

Let’s Get Started

Let’s talk about you… and make a plan! 
If you’re suffering with brain fog, bloating, fatigue, pain, poor sleep and you’re searching for a more holistic way to manage your symptoms, then the Functional Nutrition Assessment will evaluate where you are at and the best next steps. 
During this 45-minute session we dive into your health journey, look for potential root causes and formulate a plan for you to be able to being the journey of rediscovering your wellness and getting your zest for life back! If supporting your body through better food and lifestyle choices sounds like the help you need to assist your condition, book a Functional Nutrition Assessment today.  

Testimonial: “I thank you so much Sheryl for all the encouragement, support, research and most of all becoming my friend. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me achieve something that I thought was impossible”. – Sarah (click for her full story) 

Fee: $95

Next Step:
This depends on what we discover during the session and what your needs are going forward. There are three potential options:
1) One-on-one Support Monthly Support package (more information below)
2) Thriving with Thyroid or Autoimmune Action Programme, with all sessions with The Autoimmune Nutritionist
3) Thriving with Thyroid or Autoimmune Action Programme, as an online group programme with check in sessions with The Autoimmune Nutritionist.

Monthly Support

You have already started eliminating key inflammatory foods, but need to dig deeper or refine nutritional and lifestyle choices for your specific needs?
The support you truly need to move your health forward. No waiting 3 weeks between sessions if you are unsure of a recommendation, or you have concerns about any of your symptoms. Working with a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner is quite different to working with other professionals. We understand that you are making changes and your body is often responding to these changes. We want to be on hand to provide feedback and provide real time support. You don’t have to wait a month to find out that a change could have been implemented 2 weeks ago.

Three options are available:
- one 45 min session per month $95*
- two 45 min sessions (fortnightly) per month $195
- four 45 min sessions (weekly) per month $380.

*All prices are AUD

All options include: Post session notes with recommendations of what to implement, journal phone app to monitor changes, support and accountability with regular review of food and lifestyle journals with between session feedback. “Chat” option for those quick questions that can be dealt with between sessions and you don’t have to worry, review of blood tests as they become available.
Most clients start at the two sessions per month then move to the one session per month. The level of support and length of support will depend on the complexity of the issue(s) and symptoms you are dealing with.

The Autoimmune Nutritionist, Sheryl, will book these for you post the Functional Nutrition Assessment if this is the best way for you to achieve your goals.

Featured on …

Columnist for Her Umbrella Nutrition: Issue 4 (page 10), Issue 5 (page 18), Issue 6 (p26) Issue 7 AIP Christmas recipes (page 20)

Speaker AIP Summit 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

An interview with the Dietitian Down Under, Kym Connolly, “Taking Action Against Autoimmune Diseases With Sheryl Cook (Ep. 16)”

An Interview with Kay Shelton of Silver Tent “Is your body looking after you?”

An interview with Ellie D “Real Women in Business" The Journey of being self employed


If you don’t want daily email but do want information about the
AIP protocol, tips, tricks, inspiration and recipes to add to your AIP toolbox of resources periodically.